
Backstopping the Thematic Networks of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Helvetas supports the knowledge sharing and information exchange among members of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation’s (SDC) four thematic networks “Poverty Wellbeing”, “Health”, “Agriculture & Food Security”, and "Migration".

  • Project Name
    SDC Networks Poverty Wellbeing, Health, Agriculture & Food Security, and Migration
  • Project Phase
    2016 to 2020
  • Funding
    These mandates are funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
  • Thematic focus
    Learning & Innovation

In a consortium with the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences of the Bern University of Applied Sciences Helvetas facilitates the three thematic websites (Sharewebs) of the “SDC Poverty Wellbeing Network”, the “SDC Health Network” and the “SDC Agriculture & Food Security Network”.

Helvetas is further backstopping SDC's "Migration Network" which is designed to provide technical, thematic and editing support for sharing knowledge as well as experiences and to strengthen the connection between multilevel key actors dealing with migration and development.

We coordinate the production of newsletters, manage web-based communications and keep the content on each of the sharing platforms up to date. We assure that relevant information reaches the network members in a timely manner. We facilitate the exchange of information among them, support the closed user group and monitor the use of the platform. As network facilitators, we ensure continuous improvements of communications through innovation.

This work is developed in close collaboration and exchange with the four SDC focal points “Quality Assurance and Poverty Reduction”, “Health”, “Agriculture & Food Security”, and "Migration & Development".

© Helvetas
© Helvetas
© Helvetas / Patrick Rohr
SaMi project,Safe Migration,Department of Passport,information center © Helvetas / Patrick Rohr
© Helvetas / APE Chevallier
© Helvetas / APE Chevallier

These mandates have specific outcomes for each network:


We coordinate, edit and publish the quarterly thematic newsletters of the networks as a tool to disseminate knowledge and experiences among its members.


We ensure that the Shareweb contents are up to date, functional and reflect the networks' activities.


We provide technical support to members, manage their registration and we monitor and evaluate the Shareweb use.

Communication & Innovation

We support network communications and propose further developments as well as needs-based innovative tools.


We facilitate network events and social reporting - face to face and virtual, local, regional and global. We enable an environment for participatory sharing and collaborative learning from participants, through diverse facilitation techniques.

Further Information

Our quarterly newsletter “Highlights"

For development practitioners and anyone interested in our projects and approaches.

Learning & Innovation

Building the capacities of staff and partners to effectively share what they know, to learn together and create effective solutions is crucial to our success.

Our Advisory Services

Meet and contact Helvetas’ multi-disciplinary team of development experts advising the private sector, civil society and other organizations.

How we work

We support our partners to become organized and train local authorities to assume responsibilities. That ensures continuity of successful project interventions.